Getting Started

Reporting Portal



Governance Portal

Corporate Universe

Reporting Portal

The Reporting Portal

The Reporting Portal is a web portal created to enable applicable reporting entities report to the Financial Reporting Council on their compliance with the Nigeria Code of Corporate Governance 2018 (“NCCG 2018” or “the Code”).

A Reporting Entity

A reporting entity is any company that NCCG 2018 applies to and is required to submit a report to the FRC in accordance with the Code

For avoidance of doubt, the NCCG 2018 is applies to public companies (whether or not they are listed), private companies that are holding companies of public companies and other regulated entities, licensees operating in any field, concessioned and/or privatized companies, and regulated private companies.

One account per Reporting Entity

A reporting entity can only Sign Up or create one account for each company that they intend to submit a report for. The unique identifier for entities reporting on the Portal is the RC number of the Reporting Entity as issued by the Corporate Affairs Commission, typically contained in the Entity’s Certificate of Incorporation.

Hence, even if you belong to a group of companies or have multiple subsidiaries and affiliates that are eligible Reporting Entities, you must Sign Up, Create or Register separate accounts for each Reporting Entity.

However, one user who is responsible for reporting for multiple entities can Sign Up, Create, Register or Manage multiple separate accounts for the respective Reporting Entities that he or she has reporting responsibilities for. The system will assign such a user a separate set of credentials for each Reporting Entity Account that they Sign Up, Create or Register

Important points to note when you sign up, create account or register your company

When you register an account, you are automatically assigned the role of Admin. The System also presumes that if you are an Admin, then you may most likely also be the Creator of the Report, and as such also assigns you a Report Creator Role. If you only want to be Admin and do not intend to Create the Report, then you have to Edit your own role by removing the Creator Role from your roles and creating another user who will act as Report Creator.

The Report Creator is essentially a User who you assign the task and role of creating the report from start to finish. In every instance of reporting, the system can only recognize one Report Creator and this is highlighted on every report.

Whilst you may have multiple users designated as Report Creator, only one of such Creators can Start Creating the specific report you intend to submit to the FRC for given year. When you assign a Report Creator whom you intend to Create the particular Report you are working, you must either go to their name and Send them Credentials (or request them to login with their current credentials and start creating a report.

It is not advisable to have multiple Creators working on the same Report. Once you mix-up the roles or confuse the capacity in which each user is acting, you are highly likely to have challenges completing the process.

The Admin Role is essentially an ownership role which gives you an overriding right over other types of users or Roles in the System. As an Admin, you can:

- Create Other Users, Assign them Roles and Send Them Credentials.

- As an Admin, all the users you are creating as an Admin in the system are logged under your User, Roles and Profiles.

- You can use the search bar to search for a user or scroll through your list of users to find them

- For each user, you can View, Edit, Send Credentials or Disable the user by click the hamburger menu (a three-stacked-dots on the right end of each user’s name) on your list of users

- Only Admins and Creators have the complete set of Tabs on the System, namely: My Profile; Company Profile; User, Roles and Profiles and Change Password. Other users typically only have My Profile and Change Password. The reason for this is that only Admins and Creators can edit create or edit company information or create and edit users and user roles.

Please note however that the system makes a distinction between a user who is intended to only serve as Report Creator and one who is intended to be an Admin. Admin connotes ownership and control. Although, one implication of having only one Admin is that when that user leaves or exits your company without handing over the Admin credentials or access to their emails, you may loose access to the system, since he has the overriding right to the system. You are thus advised to have at least two Administrators, so that when one Admin user leaves, the other Admin user can access the system and perform Admin activities.

More specifically, whilst an Admin can remove or disable a Creator, a Creator cannot remove or disable an Admin and cannot even make themselves an Admin. Only and Admin can create an Admin.

If you loose access to all Admin Users created for your company, then you must contact BodAdmin to help you recover Admin credentials that will enable you Admin access to the system

Completing the checklist to start reporting

To Start Reporting, you are required to complete the checklist by meeting a set of minimum requirements to start reporting:

1. Complete Company Profile: Remember that when you were creating your company account, you only provided your company name, RC number and email. However there are other company details required for the report. This is what you do under the Complete Company Profile. When you get to Company Profile page, you will notice that some of your company information have already been captured. You are expected to click on “Edit Information” in order to edit and provide the outstanding details required.

2. Create Reviewer: You are required to create or assign a role to one of your users as a Report Reviewer. Report Reviewers essentially review completed draft reports submitted to them by Report Creators.

3. Create Two Signatories: you are required to create two signatories or designate two already existing users as signatories. Report Signatories are users who sign off on a completed report after they have been reviewed and approved.

Multiple user roles

You can assign a single user or yourself upto three roles on the system, except that you cannot serve as two signatories to a report. But you can be a Report Creator, Report Reviewer and one of the Report Signatories Required to sign the report.

Please note that you do not need to duplicate a user, or create varying profiles of the same user in order for them to serve multiple roles. All you need to assign a user multiple roles is to edit their Roles under Users, Roles and Profiles, by adding or removing additional roles from their roles. Please do not create a user multiple times just because you intend to assign them multiple roles. Do not do this even if you intend to use different emails for the same user. This is completely unnecessary.

As user with multiple roles, you do not need to sign and sign out to perform actions under your different roles. All you need is to keep checking your “My Desk” in the Dashboard screen to see what requests are queuing in your tray. At most, you could just refresh your browser in order for pending or delaying request to drop or join your “My Desk” queue for your action. You do not need new credentials to perform new roles under your account, unless the notification is delaying or the required action is not provided, in which case you can either contact BodAdmin or contact your Admin to send you credentials.

Every user on the system is assigned a unique FRC ID typically shown as example FRC-10001. Except with respect to multiple users, no user should have more than one FRC ID for the same company.

However, a user who serves single or multiple roles for multiple companies or reporting entities will have separate unique FRC IDs associated with each of the specific companies that they are acting for. This makes for effective Chinese walls and to help ensure that actions taken by a user is appropriately associated with the right company for which they are playing or intend to play those roles.

To assign multiple Roles to a User:

1. Go to User, Roles and Profiles

2. Either you Create the User by clicking “Create User” and fill out the form with the user’s details, if the do not already exist, or you search for the user from your list of users

3. If the user already exists, find the user from your list, click the hamburger menu (a three-stacked-dots on the right end of each user’s name) and then click Edit User & User Roles

4. Edit the user’s roles by adding or removing from the user’s list of roles

Returning users

A returning user is any user of the portal who has used the portal previously, whether the reference is to a company as a reporting entity that had created a report in the past, or a user who had previously accessed the system and performed any action

Every returning user of the system is presumed to already have a unique FRC ID. The FRC ID is unique to each user and never ever changes, unless a duplicate account is created for a user with a different email.

As a returning user, you are not required to complete the reporting checklist because you have already done this at the first instance of your use of the portal.

As a returning user, you do not have to create a report from scratch. You can create a report by adopting a previously created or submitted report. When you choose to create from a previous report, the system essentially makes a draft copy of everything you had created or submitted in an old report, including all of its content and attached documentation and then enables you change the reporting timelines and start editing that draft for review and sign off.

There is no difference between a report created from scratch as a new draft report and one created from a previously submitted or created report which you are adopting to revise, update and submit for a new or current year of reporting. There is also no difference in the workflow for processing that report, for review or sign off. The same way you will submit for review and follow through for sign off, is how you will process a report created from a previously created or submitted report.

To create a report from a previously created or submitted report:

1.Click on “Create Report”

2. Select “Create from a Previously Submitted Report”

3. Select which of the report from your previous report you want to create from

4. Confirm the reporting instructions

5. Select the reporting timelines you want to create for

6. Click on “Start Reporting”. Allow the system a few minutes to reproduce data and documentation contained in the report you are adopting in order to enable you edit

7. Once the data has loaded, you are basically in the same position as you would be with any other draft report and you can edit and revise and process the report.

Creating a report without completing the checklist

If you do not want to complete the Checklist before starting to create the report, you can go to your Dashboard and Start Creating your report while you come back to complete the Checklist later.

However, please note that you must create a minimum of a Reviewer and one of your signatories before the “Go To Dashboard” button can become active to enable you start reporting.

Reporting Timelines

A reporting timeline is typically once calendar year with reference to which you are creating a report of your compliance with the NCCG for your company. A reporting timeline is for example, 01 January 2001 to 31 December 2001 and you must select the full year values on the system in order for you to create a report.

How to sign up, create or register an account

1. Click the “Sign Up” Button on the landing page or wherever you find this.

2. Complete the Registration Form that pops up. You must complete all mandatory fields required for account creation.

3. Agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

4. Then click on the “Create Account” button. This will pop up an Account Creation Confirmation indication that your account has been created and Credentials sent to your registered email.

5. Refer to your email and use the Credentials to login to your account.

How to create a user or edit user roles

You can only create a user or edit user roles, if you are either Admin or a Report Creator.

To create a user or edit user roles and profiles:

1. Click your profile picture in the top right, to open up the avatar menu. If you do not have your profile picture uploaded on the platform, then this would typically have your initials. Then select the “Users, roles & profile” option. You can also return to your page Home and select User, Roles and Profiles and clicking “Create User”

2. Click the “Create user” button to open up the create user modal.

3. Fill in all the personal details of the user including first name, last name, email address, phone number.

4. Select the official position of the user in your organisation. If the position is not one of those listed in the drop down, click on others, and then manually type in the position in the text box provided.

5. Select a role or a maximum of three roles as appropriate or intended for the user from the options including, Report creator, Report reviewer, Report signatory, or Admin.

6. To learn more about the different roles, click the “More info” button beside the create user button.

How to create a report

1. Click on Create a Report

2. Complete the checklist by following the steps and providing the required entries and roles

3. Click on the “Go to dashboard” button if you are not automatically redirected to the reporting dashboard.

4. Click on the “Create Report” button to start creating a report.

5. Click on “Create New…” to start creating a brand new report, or “Create from existing…” to create from an already existing report.

6. Choose the timeline you would like to report for, typically one calendar year of reference.

7. Go through the instructions for NCCG, and click the “Confirm” button.

8. Fill in information required for various sections of the report, like Report details, Governance Stakeholders and Governance Structures.

- to create entries in the Governance Stakeholders and Governance Structure Sections, you have to first create the entry and then click the search bar to add the entry to your list. Example, in creating your Bord of Directors, you click on create Director to create the individual director and then click on the search bar to add the director created to your list of directors. If you had preciously created all your directors, then just click the search bar and add the directors back on your list of directors.

- do not try to create a director whom you had previously created.

9. Start responding to the principles one after another by answering the questions and providing explanations and documentation where applicable. Each principle has an explanatory text box, as well as a document placeholder where you can attach supporting documents.

10. Search to add the signatories who are to sign the report from the list of signatories which you have already created.

11. Click “Preview report” to see all of the information you have entered so far. If all looks good, close the preview to continue. Click on Download if you would like to review a draft of your report outside the system.

12. Click the “Submit Report” button to then submit the report for internal review and approval

How to review and approve a report (Internal Approval)

1. Make sure you have been assigned the role of “Report Reviewer” by the admin and make sure the Report Creator has completed a draft and submitted the to you for review and approval.

2. Make sure you are logged into your account as a review (whether as a Review only a Review with other roles). Then Go to the reporting dashboard, and navigate to the “My desk - Review” tab.

3. Click on the report awaiting your approval to review the details.

4. After review, click the “Approve(Review)” button.

5. If you have specific feedback per sections of the report, click on the Review Feedback to add comments or review feedback which you intend that the Creator should see and act on, as per your review.

How to create a Report Signatory

There are three ways you can create or add signatories for your report:

1. you can create signatories as part of completing your checklist as new users before your start reporting.

2. You can create a signatory when you get to the certification stage of your report by creating the signatories there and selecting their names from the search bar.

3. You can create a signatory at any point in time by going to your User, Roles and Profiles.

To create signatories:

1. Click your profile picture in the top right, to open up the avatar menu. If you do not have your profile picture uploaded on the platform, then this would typically have your initials. Then select the “Users, roles & profile” option.

2. Click the “Create User” button, to open up the create user modal.

3. Fill in all the required information like the user’s name, email, phone number and position.

4. Select “Report Signatory” from the dropdown as the role for this user.

5. Click the “Save” button to save this user.

How to sign a report as a Report Signatory

1. Make sure you have been assigned the role of “Report Signatory” by the admin and the report has been reviewed and approved by the Report Reviewer.

2. Login to your account, then go to the reporting dashboard, and navigate to the “My desk - Signatory” tab.

3. Click on the report awaiting your signature to review the details. You can choose to send back a report if you are not happy with the report or whish to get the Creator to make additional changes or updates to the report.

4. After review, click “Sign Report” to open up a modal where you upload your signature.

Please note that both signatories of the report have to sign for the report to be considered “signed”.

How to submit a report to the FRC

You can only submit a report to the FRC after it has been signed by both of your signatories and the report status changes to signed. Once a report is fully signed by both signatories and the status has changed to “Signed” it can no longer be edited

Only a Creator can submit a Signed report to the FRC. Once the Signatories sign and status changes to Signed, the report returns to the desk of the Creator who can then process the submission fee and then submit the report to the FRC.

To submit a report:

1. Go to the reporting dashboard and click on the fully signed report which you intend to submit to see the details

2. Click on the “Submit to FRC” button in the top right, and follow through the payment link to complete the submission.

How to edit, change and update user roles and permissions

1. Click your profile picture in the top right, to open up the avatar menu. If you do not have your profile picture uploaded on the platform, then this would typically have your initials. Then select the “Users, roles & profile” option.

2. Find the user you would like to edit/update and click the menu button “ ⁝ ” on the right end of the user item to open up the context menu.

3. Click on “Edit User and User Role(s)” to open up the user details modal.

4. Edit and update the details the user’s details, including their first name, last name, phone number, date of appointment, position and role.

5. Click the “Save” button to save your changes.

How to send credentials to users

As an Administrator, you can reset and send new credentials to users if they forget their credentials, or you need to send new credentials to them as a means to associate their login in an instance with a specific action which they need to perform, which is either pending or not reflecting on their dashboards.

When you send credentials to a user, they will receive an email in their registered mail inbox with new credentials and instructions on how to logon to their account. Once you send credentials to a user, their old credentials will be replaced by the new one unless they change their password.

A user does not require new credentials every time they need to login to their account. All things being equal, a user’s credentials should work fine for them in every instance unless they are changed or updated. Where however they encounter any login challenges, you can send them credentials.

To send credentials to a User:

1. Click your profile picture in the top right, to open up the avatar menu. If you do not have your profile picture uploaded on the platform, then this would typically have your initials. Then select the “Users, roles & profile” option.

- you can also go to your Home screen and click the User, Roles and Profiles tab

2. Click the hamburger menu (a three-stacked-dots on the right end of each user’s name).

3. Select the “Send credentials”

4. You may wish to follow up with or inform the user that you sent them credentials just so they can check and take the action you require of them

5. If you are unable to send credentials to a user for any reason, you can contact BodAdmin to reset the User’s credentials and send it you or to them directly.


Corporate Universe

Governance Portal

Reporting Portal


Coming soon

Investor Relations, Dispute Portfolio, Contract Domain, Enterprise Sustainability, Board Evaulation, Financial Reporting.

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+234 908 748 2322

Plot 3A, Eko Akete Close, South West Ikoyi, Lagos.

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